About Slices-RI

The Slices-RI consortium gathers partners from 15 European countries, all of them having committed to contribute resources and has received the endorsements of key stakeholders and the political supports of 11 European Governments. Several of the current partners are operating facilities that are already on their national and regional RI roadmaps. It is the case for instance for France, Greece, Poland and Norway. The numerous letters of support testify the strong support from the community as well as from industry and member states. Slices will encourage and foster all the initiatives from the consortium at different levels (European, national, and regional) for the inclusion of Slices in their respective roadmaps. Discussions and negotiations have already started in several countries involved in the Slices with their respective ministries in order to broaden the Slices consortium.

Current offering and services

SLICES successfully developed the following components and Blueprints based on «Thought Experiments»

  • SLICES post-5G Blueprint: deploying beyond 5G experimentation environment within SLICES, across different SLICES nodes
  • SLICES cloud-edge Continuum: a blueprint environment for organizing cloud-edge nodes
  • SLICES Metadata Management: a complete MRS system allowing data from experiments to be archived and recalled
  • SLICES Data Management Infrastructure (DMI): In the process of organizing data storage and data management within the RI.
  • SLICES Connectivity: Service for handling the interconnection among sites for both experiments and management
  • SLICES Experiment Reproducibility: Using the Plain Orchestrating Service (POS) that allows reproducible experiments to be orchestrated and conducted over the infrastructure
  • SLICES Basic infrastructure: all services will use to provide more complex environments to experimenters

By using the existing portal, users can authenticate with the SLICES-RI authority and take advantage of the SLICES-RI services and blueprints.

This project has recieved funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101008468.